Which Pamela Cox Malory towers girl are you

You know Malory towers by Enid Blyton you probably know who you are from that but do you know who you are from Pamela Cox well find out here seriously

Are you wealthy beautiful spoilt Amy or cheeky June or main character Felicity Or scatterbrain Nora or sensible Susan or Perfect Pam maybe Cute charming Bonnie really just find out hered

Created by: Alison
  1. How would you arrive at school
  2. There’s a new teacher at school what do you do
  3. What class are you
  4. Would you consider yourself beautiful
  5. Describe yourself
  6. Describe to me a perfect outfit
  7. Describe the perfect house
  8. If you could change one thing about Malory Towers what would it be and why
  9. Describe your back story
  10. How would you rate this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which Pamela Cox Malory towers girl am I
