Which outsiders character are you?

In this quiz you will be asked a series of questions. Depending on your answers you will be judged to see what Outsiders character you are most like.Good luck

Answer honestly and don't cheat. Understand that this may be a little wrong. Have a great day! Good luck. You seem really cool and nice. You are awesome.

Created by: Dayna Sanderson of Outsiders
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you enjoy bugging girls?
  2. do you enjoy stealing?
  3. do you love nothing but one person?
  4. Do you enjoy reading books and learning?
  5. would you save kids from a burning building?
  6. Do you have a good family?
  7. Do you like it when girls cry?
  8. have you been beat up?
  9. do you have a gang or group of friends?
  10. Do you have lots of money?

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Quiz topic: Which outsiders character am I?
