Which Outsiders character are you?

Would you like to see which Outsiders character you are? Then come and take this quiz! It will be super fun!!! You will just answer some easy questions that will be mostly yes or no.

This is a really short quiz so don't worry but it will help you to find out which character you are. Won't it be exciting to see in the end who you are most like? So come on, lets get started.

Created by: Olivia
  1. If you could choose to be with anyone you want would you choose your family or friends/gang?
  2. Do you like to get in fights?
  3. Would you run away if it meant being safe?
  4. Would you choose to be a hero and save kids from a fire?
  5. Do you like to joke around with your friends?
  6. Do you like hanging out with your siblings?
  7. Do you like being around other people or being by yourself?
  8. Do you face your problems and get over them or just let them ruin you?
  9. Do you always stick to the same style of clothing or do you change it sometimes?
  10. Do you find yourself always getting into trouble?

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Quiz topic: Which Outsiders character am I?
