Which Outsider are You?

This quiz will help you find out which outsider you are. This quiz is just for fun and what you get may not be 100% who you are. Just have fun with it.

This quiz takes your answers from questions and sees about which outsider would best fit you. Don't worry if you don't get who you want, this quiz may not be . Hope you enjoy. Don't forget be honest to get the most accurate answer you can get.

Created by: Kiera Kerby of Which Outsider are You?
(your link here more info)
  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. If you were jumped by the Socs, what would be your first reaction?
  3. You are stuck in a burning building your friends are in one room away from the only exit you are their only hope. What do you do?
  4. Do you like school?
  5. Your friends want to do something bad how do you react?
  6. What does the poem "Nothing Gold Stays" mean to you?
  7. Are Ponyboy and Johnny Hoods or Heroes?
  8. What do you do to protect yourself from the Socs?
  9. What's your Favorite part of the book?
  10. How much did you like the Outsiders?

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Quiz topic: Which Outsider am I?
