Which One of My Warriors OCs Are You?(only girl results)

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Hi, Jewel the Powerbrid here, this time, the quiz is not about Wings of Fire, it’s about Warriors. Which one of my OCs will you be? Take this quiz to find out!

Possible results are Goldenstar, Diamondfur, Moonpool, and Shadowfern. Will you be a leader? Maybe a deputy? Or a medicine cat? Possibly a warrior? PLZ TAKE DA QUIZ!!!!!!

Created by: Jewel the Powerbrid
  1. Ok. So hi
  2. First of all, what would your fur color be?
  3. Ok, now eye color?(as a cat)
  4. Fur type?
  5. What do you want your role in the clan to be?
  6. One day, your leader calls you to take your first pick of fresh kill. What do you pick?
  7. Role play: Another clan attacks your camp!
  8. Ok ok, uh. You are a mentor now! You decide to teach your apprentice his/ her first battle move! Which one do you teach them?
  9. Story time! You are out hunting. When you finish, you head back to the camp. However, as you draw nearer, you hear the sounds of battle exploding from the camp! You rush closer and inhale the scripts. Your clan-GalaxyClan- mixed with LightningClan! You hurry into the camp only to find yourself facing a giant cat at least twice the size of you. He bares his long fangs at you. What do you do?
  10. Who are you hoping to get?(yes affect)

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Quiz topic: Which One of My Warriors OCs am I?(only girl results)
