Which one of my reptile oc's are you

This quiz is to determine which of my Reptile oc's you are! Could you be Jaws, an American Alligator, Holly, a Western Hognose, or Baxter, a Bull Snake?

This quiz is for fun, and it is really short, with only ten questions, (because I couldn't think of any more...) There are three different oc's you could be! Good luck and have fun!

Created by: Lara
  1. What would you eat if you were a reptile?
  2. Do you like to swim?
  3. Where would you live?
  4. Would you be:
  5. What Reptile is your favorite? (Doesn't effect answer)
  6. How would you spend your free time?
  7. How would you deal with a trespasser?
  8. What drink is your favorite?
  9. What pet would you have?
  10. And finally, do you like reptiles??? (Doesn't effect answer)

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Quiz topic: Which one of my reptile oc's am I
