what tortoise should I get?

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do you know how your kids want a reptile or you do then you came to the right place because this quiz is going to tell you that you should get a tortoise but what kind?

first I did it on tortoises because tortoises on the easiest reptile to take care of and if you don't know what kind of tortoise you should get because there's so you should take my quiz thank you

Created by: Anne marie
  1. how big would you want your tortoise?
  2. where do you live?
  3. how big of a backyard do you have?
  4. how many kids do you have?
  5. how old are you?
  6. are you male or female?
  7. what is your favorite color?
  8. favorite drink?
  9. your favorite flower is?
  10. would you want fruit or veggies?

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