Which one of my OC's are you?

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Hey guys, welcome back and today, your gonna find out which one of my ocs you are. Just so you know, I traced them, oki. I was too lazy to actually draw them.

Results: Kiza, Princess Tulip, Kirana, Lana, Azuki and Kiba. Let me know who you got and umm... yeah let's on with the quiz bai!! Ignore this. Hdievjs

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Favourite show?
  2. Princess peach, daisy or rosalina?
  3. Saiyan or human?
  4. Leaf village, sand village, mist village, clouds village (?) and stones village (?)
  5. Would you join luffys crew?
  6. Would you go to U.A high?
  7. Favorite sonic character?
  8. *brings out netherite sword* Forbidden question time! Favourite colour
  9. Did you enjoy? *no effect*
  10. LeT fAtE dEcIdE!

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Quiz topic: Which one of my OC's am I?
