What RainWing are you?

Hey there FanWings! It's just me today sorry. There is no art because I'm doing this on my computer and I wanted to draw the art myself. I can't take pictures with the device I'm using so...

Today you will be tested on which RainWing you are. There's a lot of RainWings, so there is only four results which shall' not be named. I hope you have fun and get the result you want!

Created by: Dragonyte.com
  1. Have you ever been in a prophecy?
  2. Pick a character trait to describe you
  3. Do you love your friends?
  4. What is your biggest fear?
  5. What's your favorite fruit?(Sorry if these are not true for these characters)
  6. Are you in love with a NightWing?
  7. If you were in a battle, what would you do?
  8. Choose a Fate
  9. Who do you want to get?
  10. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What RainWing am I?
