Which one of my OC fantasy horses should you ride?

Hello! Before you start this quiz, I should let you know that all of these horses are mares. If you're ignorant and don't know what a mare is, a mare is a female horse. If there is anything you don't know about during the quiz, please look it up.

Also, all of these mares do English disciplines. English is one of the main two types of riding. (The other one is Western, which is what cowboys and cowgirls do.) Disciplines are the different categories in those two sections. (Example: show jumping, dressage, etc.)

Created by: DrummerEquestria
  1. Please read the two paragraphs.
  2. First of all, which discipline would you do?
  3. Alicorns, Unicorns, or Pegasi?
  4. Which breed combo is your favorite?
  5. Favorite coloring?
  6. What color horn?
  7. What color wings?
  8. Since these horses are magical, what color mane and tail?
  9. What type of build would the horse have?
  10. Thank you for taking my quiz!

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Quiz topic: Which one of my OC fantasy horses should I ride?
