What Horse Breed Would You Be??

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There are many people who love horses, want a horse, or just think they look pretty. I LOVE them and have 2.:) A mare and her foal... I wonder what the world is like through their and horses around the World's eyes...

So, to let you begin to imagine it... I created this quiz so you can first see what breed you would be!!=D I have had experiences with all these breeds so I have a good idea on their... Disposition... All are different in their unique way, but this is just what I overall gathered about them so far.=D.

Created by: Elizabeth
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. There is someone you don't know 100% leaning in to hug you, what do you do?
  2. You are riding and some one falls off, but you think they are okay. What do you do?
  3. What exercise do you prefer?
  4. A families car breaks down... They have 2 toddlers holding their hand in a thick sweat. What do you do?
  5. What is you're fave. Breed of horse out of the choices below.
  6. What's you're favorite color?
  7. You are urged to fight for you're Country... What do you say to that?
  8. What gender of future child do you want?
  9. How many horses would you want out of the options below?
  10. How did you like this quiz?:D (This will not effect you're answer one bit!!:DD)

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