which one of my juvie friends are you

this quiz test to see which one of the people in my hall that you are also im also a result in here and i mean this is a pretty short test so yeah have a nice day/night/afternoon

i hate the fact we have to do 2 paragraphs on this i swear its soo dumb like litterally i hate it so much like ugh soo anyway byee chiald for now i guess

Created by: xann2022
  1. have you ever beat a girl up
  2. how old are you
  3. do people find you funny
  4. have you ever been in juvie longer than a week
  5. do yk how to do math
  6. do you have and siblings
  7. whats you gender
  8. what race are you
  9. how tall are you
  10. are you lgbtq
  11. do you watch anime
  12. have you ever brung a knife to school

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Quiz topic: Which one of my juvie friends am I
