Which one of my favorite YouTubers should you watch?

Do you want to watch YouTube, but nothing is too interesting to click on? Well I got a solution for you! Take this 2 minute quiz and maybe discover your next favorite YouTube channel or at least a channel that you can take a look at.

I spent a lot of time making this quiz, so I hope you like what I did here. Questions should exactly contribute to you getting the best results that match your preference. Now let's go!

Created by: Nate
  1. What type of videos would you like to watch?
  2. How professional should the videos be?
  3. What video duration do you prefer?
  4. Would you prefer a guy or a girl?
  5. How much should they post?
  6. Would you mind if it was scary?
  7. Would you prefer an animated YouTube channel, no face or with a person?
  8. What do you watch videos for?
  9. How old are you, or how old your audience is?
  10. Do you have high standards on YouTube videos?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my favorite YouTubers should I watch?
