Which one of my fav animal crossing characters are you!?

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Well, this is a quiz kinda targeted to a couple of people in some of the questions so ignore some of the questions and all~ i just made this for fun because i have a lot of favs:3

characters: marshal , poppy, sheldon , Rudy, Eugene, jitters , anchovy, kid cat , rover and agent S ! Those are my favs so good luck with this all! HEHEHHE

Created by: Marshallover69
  1. Do you like coffee?
  2. What’s your favorite colour?
  3. Pick one of these animals
  4. How do others treat you?
  5. Personality type?
  6. Zodiac sign/ birth month? Actually important i swear bro
  7. What do you usually do in acnh? Like the first thing you do when you log on?
  8. Favorite kinda show? Or just thing to watch
  9. Pick a music person
  10. Now pick a clothing type to represent you
  11. How do you like to spend your money?
  12. Hair colour?
  13. Hobby?
  14. Do you like games?
  15. How do YOU describe YOURself
  16. How do OTHERS describe you?
  17. Fav catchphrase?
  18. Pick a cartoon!
  19. Are you tweaking?
  20. Are you French?
  21. Is your bestie a pink haired hottie

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Quiz topic: Which one of my fav animal crossing characters am I!?
