Which Hamilton Character Are You?

This is a cute quiz I made to see which Hamilton character you're most like. You will answer various questions, and at the end will see who you are most similar to.

Hamilton is an extremely inspiring musical. The fan art is one of the best parts. Really appreciate those artists. Hope you enjoy! (Please note that the personality chosen for you may not be exactly like your own.)

Created by: Nessia
  1. What is your favorite Hamilton Musical song?
  2. Congratulations! You have the day off. What are you going to do?
  3. Your friend wants $1,000,000 dollars, and you have the money. What do you say?
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. What's your favorite animal?
  6. What's the most important thing in life to you?
  7. If you had to sacrifice yourself for someone you love, would you?
  8. What annoys you?
  9. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  10. One word to describe yourself.
  11. Who's your favorite character in Hamilton the Musical?
  12. You just lost your most prized possession. How do you react?
  13. What three traits do you value in a friend?
  14. What makes you sad?
  15. Who do you want to be remembered as?
  16. You are stuck in the woods with your best friend. They scream because they heard a noise. What do you do?
  17. Your friend wants to run away to NYC. How do you react?
  18. What is your mood most of the time
  19. Who is the most important figure in your life?
  20. Who's death in Alexander Hamilton the Musical makes you cry?
  21. Final question: What is your favorite drinks? Coffee or tea

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Quiz topic: Which Hamilton Character am I?
