Which OMORI character are you? (Personality Quiz)

OMORI is a psychological horror videogame, this quiz shows you what character your most like. I hope you enjoy this quiz, it's the first one I made, so it's not the best. I personally see myself as a mix of Sunny, Basil, and Mari.

Explore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes. When the time comes, the path you’ve chosen will determine your fate... and perhaps the fate of others as well.

Created by: Gray
  1. Do you have burgers on your mind?
  2. Have you ever accidently hurt someone close to you?
  3. Oh no! Basil fell into a lake? What do you do?
  4. Fear of heights?
  5. Do you like talking?
  6. Are you antisocial?
  7. What's your favorite colour?
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. Who's your favourite OMORI character?
  10. Ready for the results?

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Quiz topic: Which OMORI character am I? (Personality Quiz)
