Which of my friends Josh's personalities are you?

My friend josh is self-centered. I just wanted to rub it in. This is all fun and games though. Don't take it too seriously if you think I am. Because it's not.

Also he knows I'm doing this. I asked him if it was okay if I could do this and he said yes. Granted, I asked him after I made the entire quiz, so yeah.

Created by: MaximumMalo
  1. What's more important to you?
  2. If you found a genie in a bottle, what's the first thing you would wish?
  3. Where would you go to get famous?
  4. Who is smarter?
  5. Who is better looking?
  6. Best way to spend money?
  7. What's your favorite thing to play with?
  8. Best movie franchise?
  9. What would you say if your crush said they liked you?
  10. Are you subscribed to MaximumMalo on YouTube? (This question will reduce your stats btw)

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Quiz topic: Which of my friends Josh's personalities am I?
