Which of my favorite animes should you watch? (Includes bl)


blablablabka akbaka hhmzdmhbsebhmfemubsrbhmvrd (needs to be 125 letters) blablablabka akbaka kabakbaboakbakbabkakbakbkabkabbkaabkakbkbakbakbakbakbakbakbkbaabkkbakbakba (needs to be 125 letters)

Created by: Rain
  1. Pick a classic anime !!
  2. Yaoi/Yuri, yes or no??
  3. Sun or dub?
  4. Pick a Pokémon series
  5. BL or GL
  6. Pick a video game
  7. What pet do you/ want to own
  8. Pick a song lyric from some of my deeply beloved songs!
  9. Optimist or pessimist?
  10. What’s your sexuality?

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Quiz topic: Which of my favorite animes should I watch? (Includes bl)

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