Which of my crushes are you more like?

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Crush #1 is very spicy and very, very sassy. He loves to be mean to people and gossip behind their back. He is always with someone and is almost never alone. He also thinks I'm insane. 0.0

Crush #2 is very sweet. he is more mature than Crush #1 and he is kind and thoughtful. He is also a bit shy to people he does not know very well. He does not think of me very lowly.

Created by: N/A
  1. Are you more shy or outgoing?
  2. Are you mean to people?
  3. Do you have a large friend group?
  4. How often do you get into trouble?
  5. Are you a rebel?
  6. How times a day do you swear?
  7. Do you always have a sassy comeback on the tip of your tongue?
  8. Do you talk dirty about people behind their backs?
  9. Do you play an instrument?
  10. How often do you break the rules?
  11. Do you think i'm crazy? (sorry)
  12. Do you believe in rumors?
  13. Are you more spicy or thoughtful?
  14. Are you sassy or gentle?
  15. What do you think of me? (again, sorry)

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Quiz topic: Which of my crushes am I more like?
