Which of my Creepypasta oc's are you?

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This is one of my first quizzes, and I really hope you enjoy taking it. There is a total of 4 different outcomes, two boys, two girls, and they are very intersting..

Again, I hope you like taking it as much as I liked making it! Remember, I made these and I don't wan't to see any copying! Enjoy, and check my profile out!

Created by: LadyAngel
  1. Are you a Creepypasta fan?
  2. Pick a color
  3. who of these would you date?
  4. Choose a food
  5. Are you a people-person, or a loner
  6. Among us or Betrayal.io (No effect)
  7. I'm sorry if this is boring.
  8. Who would you hang out with?
  9. What would you rate my quiz?? (no effect)
  10. Last one, Who was the first Creepypasta you heard about?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Creepypasta oc's am I?

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