which of my comic characters are you

A quick 'lil personality quiz to see which of my characters you're most like. wnnwn wnwnw nwnwnn wnwnnkla jnlakje hflksjhflkasj hglkjdfhl gksjdh flgkjd hfljs dfhgl

the quiz wants me to write some stuff to explain it but there's nothing else to explain soahakljhslkjd hakjhsk dfhalskjdhflkja dshf lkjahds flkjhasdlkaksjdfh

Created by: Bee
  1. How do you introduce yourself to people?
  2. What's your favorite food?
  3. What's your preference on pets?
  4. What's your favorite weather?
  5. How messy is your room?
  6. What do you enjoy spending your free time doing the most?
  7. What's your favorite story genre?
  8. What's your favorite out of these animals?
  9. What's your favorite time of day?
  10. And lastly, how would you describe yourself?

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Quiz topic: Which of my comic characters am I
