Which of my cats are you

I made this quiz in honor of our cats, I’ll make one in the future in honor of my dogs, whom I love deeply. I enjoyed making this quiz so much, and I’ll make more soon. Thanks

It was fun but I’ve got to go now, but I’ll be back soon and I will make a dog one. Thanks for playing be safe, love you guys, bye, <3<3<3. ;) :) I hope you have a great day.

Created by: K K
  1. You are hungry what’s your hunting style
  2. What’s your favorite prey
  3. Where do you like to sleep
  4. Do you like to play
  5. Do you like dogs
  6. Where would you like to live
  7. Maybe I should have asked this question first but, do you like cats
  8. What’s your favorite cat name
  9. Did you love this quiz
  10. Should I Make more It’s my first quiz ever

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Quiz topic: Which of my cats am I
