Warrior cats love story (The best one in history!)

Hello. This is my first time making a quiz so please don't get mad if it's bad!!! I tried my best to make it because making a quiz is really hard!!!!!

This quiz is for everyone, not only people who read the books. So if you don't read them, this is what everything means. Clans- Group of cats. "paw"- apprentice. "kit"-a kitten. "star"-leader. Fox"Eye"-the last part of name changes as they get older (until after "paw")

Created by: Saoirse
  1. You open your eyes for the first time in your life. Suddenly you hear a cat in your clan scream, turns out it was only your mother screaming because there was a weasel trying to steal you. You:
  2. Whatever you wanted to do your mother tells you and the other kits to hide behind her. Suddenly, Tiger-kit mews " I'm not scared of a little weasel! Let me fight!" Then Tiger-kit's father runs in and scares off the weasel. You think:
  3. Your apprentice ceremony is today! You and your friends are very exited. Tiger-kit says "I can't wait! We're so close to becoming warriors!" You say/think:
  4. Its been a couple moons (years) and now you are warriors, but Bramble-berry is a medicine cat! Your friends are, Tiger-oak, Fox-eye, Raven-eye, Long-ear, Small-heart, and Bramble-berry. Bramble-berry walks towards you and says, " Y'know, I kinda wished you were going to become a medicine cat like me..." You:
  5. Your leader has allowed you and your friends to choose what type of patrol you want to go on. You say:
  6. On your patrol (cat you went with) says, " Lets sepperate, we'll cover more ground that way." You agree and seperate from them. Suddenly a badger leaps at you! You:
  7. Its been some days after the badger attacked you and Bramble-berry told you, " Follow me..." You follow, into the forest. Then, Fox-eye, Raven-eye, Tiger-oak, Long-ear, and Small-heart come out of hiding. ( TO BE CONTINUED ON NEXT QUESTION )
  8. Bramble-berry then says, " We all like you, which one of us would you like to be with?" You say:
  9. Whatever you choose the cats identify themselves. Bramble-berry: Caring, kind, and loyal. Fox-eye: Brave, Smart, and loyal. Raven-eye: Sneaky, Ambicious, Loyal. Tiger-oak: Brave, kind, loyal, trustworthy. Long-Ear: Curious, Creative, loyal. Small-heart: Shy, loyal, curious. "So which one of us would you like to stay with?" You say:
  10. You've chosen your loved one and its been 7 moons (years). You're old and you have had a number of kits or none at all. You've had:

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