Which OC from my story/future play are you?

Love in Wartime. That's an idea for a story or even a future play I have. It takes place during the closing months of World War II and focuses on an American housewife-turned-ammunition maker whose husband goes off to war, and a good-looking yet psychopathic man attempts to use her vulnerability to take advantage of her.

While this may seem like your average romantic drama, I assure you, what separates this from the thousands of crummy romance books you see at Barnes & Noble is that this story is an allegory: an allegory for the American response to the war in Ukraine; namely that individuals on both the right and left are against Ukraine, and want to take advantage of the American public.

Created by: Javi
  1. Pick one of the Seven Deadly Sins, according to Catholic canon.
  2. Choose a mental condition.
  3. Pick a personality strength.
  4. Pick a personality weakness.
  5. Which political/economic ideology sounds the most appealing?
  6. Scenarios: Beware, this one in particular is a bit raunchy!Your partner suggests you do non-standard coitus. Thoughts?
  7. Scenarios:Your partner is shipped off to fight abroad. What's the last thing you say to them?
  8. Isolationist or Interventionist?(This refers to foreign policy; should we be involved in foreign affairs?)
  9. Pick an object.
  10. Pick a theme or dichotomy.

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Quiz topic: Which OC from my story/future play am I?
