Field Trip Z Story Adventure

This is Zack in a different dimension, so you will see different characters. Will you survive or will you get infected? Take the quiz and let's find out! Hope you enjoy my story quiz! Ps: This is my bonus story so it isn't canon...or is it? Find out in my future episodes.

Characters: You=Zack, Randy, John, Janet, Kate, Donut Dave, Karen, Dumpster Diver Dan, Jane and James. Ps: I am Game Factz and don't forget to check out my friend, Tech With Tec's Youtube channel!

Created by: Game Factz of My twitter link
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  1. Teacher: Welcome students, to your first day at Robloxian High School. My name is Mrs. Karen! There are tons of activities to do throughout the school. *leads you to your classroom* This is your classroom, we will be studying here soon. Good luck, and remember to not break any of the school rules!
  2. Its the your very first day of High School! This is it, the start of your future! Go inside and explore!
  3. For people that chose explore, you found some healing items inside the lockers. For the ones who decided to not explore, you found nothing. *remember only chose the ending that you got. Don't cheat!*
  4. Its time for your first class to start. Head to your classroom now.
  5. Please find your assigned seats, students!
  6. Kids, meet your new classmate. His name is...Whats your name?
  7. Teacher: Hello Zack, welcome to the class! Bully: Hey! whats with the clothing? You look like a loser! Lets call you Loser-dude, or L-Dude. Teacher: Play nice, Randy! This is our new student! Lets make him feel comfortable! Now, lets get ready to learn!
  8. Speaker: Mrs. Karen, please report to the principal's office. Teacher: Oh! The principal needs me... I'll be right back! Please behave while I'm gone.
  9. John: The teacher's gone! Lets paaaaarttty! WOOO HOOO! NO ADULTS!
  10. CRACK! Somebody broke the roof tile! Jane: I don't think that's supposed to be opened! Should we tell?
  11. The class voted and decided not to be a tattletale. John: Get to your seats! The teacher is coming!
  12. Teacher: Why on EARTH is the roof tile opened? Who is responsible for this?!
  13. Z-Dude: We didn't see anything... Teacher: Due to some unseen circumstances, lunch will now be early. I'll see your bright smiles next period! *class has been dismissed early. Head to the cafeteria for some food!*
  14. Randy: Hey open up old lady, I'm starving! "Janet: What's going on? Where is the lunch food? Randy: The lunch lady tells me the food truck is late! The food truck is never late! Z-Dude: Man that's weird. First we have to go to lunch early...and now there's no food! What's going on? *Class is starting. Get to class!*
  15. Teacher: Welcome back, my sunshine students! We are going to start with a history class today.
  16. *30 mintues later* Randy: History is sooooooo boring... It's raining now so we can't even do PE! Z-Dude: What's that outside the window? It looks like a zombie! Teacher: Nonesense! There's no such things as zombies. *the lights flicker off* Teacher: That's weird...the lights turned off. KNOCK KNOCK Teacher: Oh! someone is at the door. *opens the door* A group of zombies rush in and eat Karen! Teacher: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH RUN AWAY!!!!!!
  17. For those who made their way up to the ceiling tile, you're safe. Not a scratch on you. For those who wanted to save Karen, you got bitten! You keep it a secret because you didn't want them to know. Z-Dude: What on earth was that thing?Janet: Looks like one of the zombie you saw. James: Naw...Zombies don't exist. Janet: Well, whatever! I don't want to go back down there. Are anyone of us infected?
  18. Z-Dude: Not me. I didn't get a scratch on me. John: Lets move on. I don't want to be stuck here forever! We got to get a screwdriver. There are some crates here. Help me break them! Maybe something's inside.
  19. Z-Dude: I found a screwdriver! James: Great! Lets bust out of here!
  20. You open the vent and go along the vent. A vent looks loose! Lets jump on it to make it fall off!
  21. The vent breaks and you fall through the vent. Principal: What in the name of education are you kids doing up there?! The power's out, you kids need to go back to class! Kate: B-but... There are MONSTERS out there! Principal: Nonsense! that's just some students being silly. Now follow me. You have some classwork to do! *walks out the door*
  22. Principal: Hey! Open the door! *door opens and a hand grabs Jane!* Principal: Hey! Let go of her! *it's too late. Jane turned into a zombie.* Principal: What the what! Bulling will not be tolerated! James: Let's get out of here!
  23. You meet up at the principal's office. Kate: Is everyone here? Z-Dude: No, Jane's brother James is gone. He must've gone to help Jane. John: There's no way he could have survived. Principal! Look at your arm! Principal: It's just a scratch. Nothing compared to eating my wife's cooking. Look! My computer is displaying a message for us!
  24. -BREAKING NEWS- Warning! ZOMBIE OUTBREAK Stay inside stay away from the infected NATIONAL EMERGENCY! "It's just like the movies" Centers for disease control "Stay indoors and defend your family if necessary" Principal: Z-zombies, it can't b-be... Students, stay calm. I am going to call the police! Hide yourselves in the supply closet.
  25. Janet: Where is the supply closet? Randy: I'm pretty sure it's down the hallway. I used to use that place to find things to beat up kids with.
  26. John: Look! Bats and crowbars! Lets grab it to defend our selves!
  27. Z-Dude: Now we just have to wait here for help just like the principal said. *4 Hours Later...* Randy: Where is the principal!? It's been 4 hours! *you hear footsteps coming your way* Z-Dude: W-whats that?! Kate: Calm down! It could be the police coming here to save us! *BOOM* the door breaks and the principal barged in... A INFECTED principal!
  28. You decide to fight the principal! The fight lasted for 10 minutes! *Bang* A police holding a gun shot the principal in the head and saved you all!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You decide to hide in the trash bags and let the other people do the work. *Bang* A police holding a gun shot the principal in the head and saved you all!
  29. Z-Dude: Is... is he dead? Janet: I'm not sure... But one thing is for sure. I'm not sticking around to find out! Suddenly, Karen came in and starting attacking you!
  30. *Bang* the police officer shot Karen and killer her! Police: Hi! I'm D🍩nut Dave. I was told that the students here needed a hand- err... a hook? Everyone, get in the science room!
  31. Dave: There's a broadcast coming through the radio! Radio: Military personnel have set up a safe zone! Move to the safe zone immediately. Dave: A safe zone... Hurry it on up and grab any supplies you can find. Zombie: BRAINS! Dave: What in the name of strawberry donuts was that sound?! Kate: THERE IS AN ENTIRE HORDE COMING OUR WAY!! Janet: Everyone run! Head upstairs before they eat us alive!!! Z-Dude: No time for keys! Break the door! *Head upstairs and break the broken door with your weapon!*
  32. You head upstairs and started wacking at the door. A zombie attacked you but was killed by John. John: Hurry up with the door. I can't hold them much longer! *You finally break the door and you head to the roof.*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You start attacking the zombies for your teammates to break the door. Ouch! OWWW! Your team finally breaks the door and you head for the roof.
  33. Dave: Heal yourselves with whatever you got! We still have a long way to go!
  34. Dave: Complete this obstacle coarse to get out of the school! Beware! There are hordes of zombies below you!
  35. Dave: Hop on my police car to get out of here!
  36. You pull up in an alley because Dave's car ran out of gas. Dave: Looks like a fire raging out there. Better stay away from it. *the dumpster lid moves* Janet: Good heavens! S-something is in that dumpster! It could be a zombie! *Dave pulls out his gun* Dave: Back up! We don't want to bump into any trouble. Should we shoot it?
  37. The survivors votes not to shoot. Kate: It could be a citizen hiding! Randy: I still say we shoot whoever is in there. *the lid flips open and a man pops out* Dan: Thanks for sparing be there. I am Dumpster Diver Dan! What are you doin' near my safety dumpster? Ain't you fellers seeing them zambies out there?! *crawls out of the dumpster* Dave: Roger that smelly citizen. We are fully aware of the crisis. it is getting nighttime and we are looking for the safezone. Dan: I got me a sturdy shelter, buuut I ain't go no supplies. There's an Blox'N'Go down the road. Head on there and bring us back some supplies. Dave: That seems horrifically dangerous. Regardless, we do need supplies... Holy donuts! There's a whole lot of zombies out there...*Sneak to Blox'N'Go*
  38. You sneak to Blox'N'Go and see a bunch of zombies near the shop. Do you attack the zombies or sneak past them?
  39. Ouch! A zombie snuck up on you and hit you from behind! Rush to the shop and use a healing item!
  40. John: Look! There's the Blox'N"Go! Ugh...The door's locked are blocked. We're going to have to smash the glass!
  41. *shatter* Dave: We have set off the alarm! Grab the supplies quick, a hoard is coming!
  42. Dave: Everyone get back! The alarm has startled the zombies!
  43. *You got back at the alley.* Dave: We found the supplies... Dan: Wowee!... Follow me! Welp, we're here! Dave: W-wait what?! This is just an ordinary alleyway! Well, here's the supplies we found. Randy: We should eat some food to rest and heal.
  44. Dan: It's a horde!!! Y'all brang them here! Now we need to leave my safe spot...*Head up the ladder that leads you to the top of these buildings!*
  45. *you are now at the top of the buildings* Dave: We need to find a safe way down... Look over there, a ledge! We have to go through this flaming building! Don't get burned!
  46. *you climb up the ladder that leads you to a taller building* Dave: Rats! It's another dead end. We're going to have to take this zip-line *gulp* It's surrounded by flames! Don't burn!
  47. Dave: Head down these stairs that leads up to the ground!
  48. Dave: Phew! That was a close one! Dan: Look! There's a sewer. I say we head on down there! Dan: The military...They've set up a checkpoint. We should head there. Y'all need to trust me! I know them sewers like the back of my dirty hand! No offence Officer Hook Hand.
  49. The group agrees that the military checkpoint is much safer than the sewers. Janet: I am not going down there! Kate: Neither am I! Dave: Alright! The safezone is this way! Follow me!
  50. Dave: O-oh no...It can't be...everyone's already dead! Well, we're here but everyone is already dead... Z-Dude: Oh my god! Look up there! The principal zombie! He...he's back!!! John: Look! A helicopter! *after a shooting sound, the principal has been put to eternal rest* Military Pilot: Get on the helicopter!
  51. Pilot: We have orders to evacuate the city. Get on! We will be taking off. *the helicopter takes off* Z-Dude: What happened? Pilot: The whole world is overrun. There is only a few safe places left. Z-Dude: I guess we aren't high-school students anymore...
  52. Next episode preview: You have arrived at a prison for shelter... Someone special comes to help, but who?

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