Which Nintendo Console are You?

This quiz is great for deciding which console you want to get. Take my quiz and find out your dream console from Nintendo. The options in this quiz include the 2ds xl, Nintendo switch, and more!

I created this quiz because I want to help people find out which Nintendo gaming console is best for them, so they don't waste their money on some kind of console that they end up selling on eBay.

Created by: Paul
  1. Are you on a budget?
  2. Does it have to be multiplayer?
  3. What kind of colors are you looking for?
  4. How large of a game library do you want?
  5. How much storage?
  6. Do you want to hook up to a big screen or monitor?
  7. How many gaming consoles have you had?
  8. Have you ever played a video game before?
  9. How advanced do you want your console to be?
  10. how many times do you think you will drop it?
  11. Do you want to travel easily with it?
  12. How often do you play video games?

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Quiz topic: Which Nintendo Console am I?
