What game console should you buy?

Are you looking for a new game console? This quiz will choose one of the four currently supported game consoles based on the answers you give it......

The quiz should help you choose a new game console, whether you need a portable one or one for the home, and whether you want to play movies and TV on it or not.

Created by: shigeto
  1. Where do you spend most of your time?
  2. Is free multiplayer important to you?
  3. How much would you pay for an online subscription
  4. Do you enjoy motion controls (i.e. wiimote, playstation move)?
  5. Which of these franchises do you prefer
  6. Which of these companies do you like in general?
  7. Do you enjoy racing games?
  8. Are you a casual or hardcore gamer?
  9. Do you want to use streaming services (Netflix, YouTube, Spotify) with your device?
  10. Do you want to play Blu-ray and DVD movies with your console?
  11. Do you want to take pictures with your console?
  12. Do you own any of the following?
  13. Do you enjoy first person shooters?
  14. Do you have a disliking for any of the following companies?

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Quiz topic: What game console should I buy?
