Which Nightwing are you?

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Comment your result and enjoy the quiz! There are four results Moonwatcher Fierceteeth darkstalker and Fatespeaker. I am going to say random words. I am so happy to see your new one and you enjoy your life with you

Okay okay I will have to get a new one ☝ I don’t have the paper for you but ygggghh h and I can do that tomorrow or Friday I can see if you want me too or if I need it I will get you some

Created by: Fierceteeth
  1. Okay power?
  2. What is your personality
  3. A Nightwing colour
  4. Hair colour
  5. Who is your favourite
  6. Who do you think you will get
  7. I need to fil in the questions
  8. Jhhhh
  9. Hhhh
  10. G
  11. Yr favourite colour
  12. Which house are you in.

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Quiz topic: Which Nightwing am I?
