which next gen console you should buy

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Well you did the quiz thanks? i love gaming. all i say im just joking! DONT TAKE THIS QUIZ SERIEUS ONLY FOR THE CHOISE OF YOUR CONSOLE! So yeah thanks a lot this is my first tiime doin this!

Well you are i think smart because you know how turn a computer on and you know how to tip Super im proud of you! If you love this site Then you are a BOSS!!!!!!!!

Created by: ness
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what consoles do you have from the previous generation?
  2. which console did you like the most?
  3. which console do you hate?
  4. what games do you like?
  5. Do you want the strongest machine?
  6. Do you mind payin a lot of money?
  7. Do you want a good online?
  8. will you pay for it?
  9. do you like kinect,playstation move or the tablet?
  10. Do you trust Microsoft,Nintendo,or Nintendo?
  11. Do you want your games 1080p FULL HD 60 fps?
  12. can you build a pc?

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