Which Mweor are You?

Mweors are magical and mystical creatures based off cats. They aren't actually cats, but everyone calls them cats, even though they can be pink and they sometimes have wings.

Anyway, do you have wings or gills? Are you like Zeus, a mighty lightning mweor, or Hades, an underworld/ground earth mweor? Are you fluffy and laid back? Find out NOW!

Created by: JoobJoobz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Someone just slapped your friend! What do you do?
  2. It's Saturday. There's literally nothing to do. So you...
  3. You woke up in the hospital! What do you think happened?!
  4. You smell brownies!
  5. At the mall, you're most likely to buy...
  6. What planet would you rule if you could rule one?
  7. Your favorite food?
  8. A box is falling from the sky! Whats in it?
  9. Favorite video game?

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Quiz topic: Which Mweor am I?