Cats or Dogs? Fun Quiz

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This is a fun quiz based on Cats and Dogs. Almost everyone loves cats and dogs and has some basic knowledge about them. This quiz is created at an easy level so beginners can also pass it.

Cats are very pretty and we all love having them as pets. Let's test your knowledge about your favorite pet animal. If you will pass it with the highest score we can believe you actually love cats and dogs.

Created by: faria of Daily Trivia
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  1. In 1997, Disney remade its live-action film "That Darn Cat!" replacing "Parent Trap" lead actress Hayley Mills with which new actress?
  2. Cats are usually attracted to catnip. Are dogs usually attracted to dogwood?
  3. The famous Andrew Lloyd Webber musical "Cats" was once the longest-running Broadway musical. Which of these was not a cat featured in the show?
  4. In 1998, "Who Let the Dogs Out?" became an international hit by what band?
  5. Is catgut, used in the production of tennis racquets, made from cats?
  6. Dogbert is the companion of what comic strip office worker?
  7. In Japan, the statue of Maneki Neko (or 'Beckoning Cat') is typically associated with which of these?
  8. Duane Chapman is better known by his nickname, "Dog", on his popular Hawaii-based TV show. What is Chapman's profession?
  9. Only one cat appears on the Chinese zodiac, but which is it?
  10. Which of these films actually contains dogs as important plot pieces?

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