Which music teacher are you?

Have you ever wondered which teacher you are most like? Well now is your chance to find out! Don’t let your mind bLOCK this out. Decide WhEATHER or not you would like to find out the truth! So get DRESSed and “red-eye” to take this quiz!😬😬😬😬

Roses are red, toilets are blue! Who lost his keys? Its lockiepoo! Dont sneeze at feathers, get under the weather! And smell the petunias too! Whether you’re like a giraffe, or feel a sloth’s wrath, put on a fancy dress. I hope you enjoy the results of this ploy. And remember to cut your grass!

Created by: Grassie Poo
  1. When you are less than a foot away from someone how loud do you talk?
  2. You fart in front of a student. What do you do?
  3. What would a random discussion in your class most likely be about?
  4. Who’s your favorite person?
  5. Liz invites you to a concert at school. How do you respond
  6. How is your relationship with your students?
  7. What do you think of prism?
  8. You see a random student in the hall. What’s something you may say/do?
  9. You get mad at your student(s). What do you do?
  10. Do you think Liz has a photographic memory
  11. Are you humble?
  12. What animal do you walk like?
  13. What do you do in an awkward situation?
  14. Someone tells you something and asks you to keep it confidential. Who do you tell?
  15. How professional and appropriate would you honestly say you are?
  16. What do your colleagues think of you?
  17. Whats the worst thing you’ve lost?
  18. You need help tying a tie. Who do you ask?
  19. If you did something nice for a student..
  20. What’s a complaint someone would have about you
  21. You see Liz in the parking lot. How do you react?
  22. What’s a likely reason that you went to your car in the middle of the day?
  23. Would the department ever have to go on LOCK(pol)down because you lost your keys
  24. Whats your favorite concert of the year
  25. What does your work space look like?
  26. Whats a typical conversation one may overhear you having in the hallway?
  27. What’s a funny joke or story you’re likely to tell?
  28. If a student came to you with a personal problem how would you react?
  29. You have a problem with a student. Will you tell them?
  30. What is a likely behavioral issue to happen in your class?
  31. How much does liz miss you on a scale from 1-10
  32. If Liz was crying how would you react?
  33. What would you have your student aids do?
  34. Are you a jealous person (honestly)
  35. Cats or dogs?
  36. What superlative would you get?
  37. Are you a sensitive person
  38. What do you do when upset

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Quiz topic: Which music teacher am I?
