Which Muffinteer are you?

If you are familiar with the 4 Muffinteers or Minecraft Manhunt, then you'll wan to take this quiz! This quiz will show you what 4 Muffinteer person you are!

The 4 Muffinteers consists of Dream, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, and BadBoyHalo. After you take this quiz, you'll find out which one you're most like! Enjoy!

Created by: I have no name (:
  1. There's a lonly child looking for his/her parents. What do you do?
  2. What would you describe yourself as?
  3. What's your favorite Minecraft tool?
  4. Hunter or speedrunner?
  5. Who do you think you'll get? (This won't affect your score)
  6. Favorite season?
  7. Favorite food?
  8. Does your voice need to be heard?
  9. Theres a lost baby bird hopping around in the rain, with a bent wing. What do you do?
  10. Do you use one-liners when in PvP?

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Quiz topic: Which Muffinteer am I?
