Dream SMP fan quiz!

Hi I’m the creator my name is Jason and this is the ultimate dream SMP quiz for all you Minecraft lovers and skyblock bedwars and hunter vs speedrunner are the best

I’m really happy with how this turned out and i hope you like it too hope you had fun with my quiz and feel free to do this again and again i love all these people see ya!

Created by: Jake
  1. What would you rather be?
  2. Do you like music?
  3. your favorite color?
  4. do you like to colab with Mr Beast?
  5. Minecraft or sports?
  6. Music or clothing
  7. Which do you prefer?
  8. This wont effect your score but what is your favorite out of these people
  9. Another not counting question but what do you like more?
  10. Instagram?

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