Which movie character are you?

Oh Starclan, please take my quiz!!!!! When you finish, if you loved my quiz, please tell me what topic should I choose for my quiz in the comment!!!! Also, I hope you do well!!!!!!

May Starclan light your path!!!! You are a loyal warrior and defends your family even at the cost of your life!!!! Wait!!! Why am I talking about the wrong thing!?!?

Created by: Leo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What book do you like?
  2. Do you like chocolate?
  3. Know random!
  4. What hobby do you like?
  5. Bored yet?
  6. Do you like movies?
  7. What would you do with 100'000'000'000'000 dollars?
  8. Where do you want to travel?
  9. Choose a name!!!!
  10. What date comes after Christmas?(Do it in 5 seconds)
  11. What does it falls between 1 and 3?
  12. What is hamburgers made of?
  13. Think of a tool and it's color(Do it in 3 seconds or the next question will be very hard!)
  14. Think of a tool and it's color(Do it in 3 seconds or the next question will be very hard!)
  15. Did I tricked you? Did you clicked red hammer!? Ha ha!! I read your mind!!!! Also, sorry for making the same quiz twice!!!
  16. Wanna know how I did!?
  17. Do you like my quiz?
  18. If you loved my my quiz, please do it again for popularity!!!
  19. Last quiz! Random!
  20. Seriously, is it finally last?
  21. If you said no, DO THIS QUIZ!!! Why do you did this quiz!?
  22. FINISH!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Which movie character am I?