What Harry Potter character are you?

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I think that Harry Potter is a great topic to pick as it is a fantastic book and movie, so why not make a quiz? A quiz a great way of showing how people know differant things!

Have a great time doing this quiz! I really hope you enjoy it for this is my first time. Please leave a comment so I can see how well I did. Do not hesitate to write down what you think of my quiz.

Created by: Kat kat
  1. How often do you hand in your work on time.
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. What is the spell to open doors?
  4. Where do you keep your broomstick?
  5. What is EXPETRO PATRONOUS mean?
  6. What is the goblet of fire?
  7. Do unicorns exist in HARRY POTTER?
  8. Who is the ugliest teacher at HOGWARTS SCHOOL DOR WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY?
  9. How many years have Harry Potter been st HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY?
  10. How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter character am I?
