Which Michael Jackson are you?

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Whether you are a 70's, 80's, 90's or 00's MJ there is only one Michael Jackson, but many different sides and genres of him. But which one are you more like?

There's the Thriller era, The bad, the Dangerous era, the HIStory era, and the Invincible era, and much more. Michael Jackson has many looks, and dances, which are you?

Created by: Annie
  1. What do you possess in life?
  2. What do you see your self as?
  3. What MJ song do you like the best?
  4. What MJ dance do you like the best?
  5. When people take pictures of you, do you...
  6. How would you describe yourself?
  7. What do you do in your freetime?
  8. If you were to write a new song would you
  9. What genre of song do you prefer?
  10. If you were to make a grand entrance on stage would you
  11. Which colors suit you
  12. Which dance move would you use at a party

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Quiz topic: Which Michael Jackson am I?