Which MHA Character are you?

in this quiz, you will find your MHA twin based on your similar personalities. you will answer questions that determine things about your personality. also, warning this includes my ships.

ATTENTION!!! not all characters are in this quiz. I also am not the best at explaining personalities but I tried my best so no hate please. also if you do not get your favorite character sorry...

Created by: izumi midoriya
  1. who is your favorite pro hero?
  2. what is your least favorite hero?
  3. what two are in your top two?(from these choices)
  4. what is your favorite ship?
  5. what is your zodiac sign?
  6. what is your favorite color?
  7. (THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR ANSWER!) are you a big fan of MHA?
  8. who is your favorite hero in training? (from these choices)
  9. who is your Favorite villain?
  10. did you like this quiz? (THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR ANSWER!)

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Quiz topic: Which MHA Character am I?
