Which mha boy is your bf

IS A MHA QUIZ this is a mha / bnha quiz I hope you enjoy you can ignore the rest after this cause yk it's crazy dude -----------This is for the gays guys, bi, pan, and girlsif you are homophobic stay away from me plz cause I'm bi guys. Hello mha/bnha fans. I hope you like my quiz guy

This is for the gays guys, bi, pan, and girlsif you are homophobic stay away from me plz cause I'm bi guys. Hello mha/bnha fans. I hope you like my quiz guy

Created by: Lovergirl3000
  1. What's your fav color
  2. What's your fav veggy
  3. What would you like in a bf
  4. Do You like the quiz so far?
  5. Which is your fav
  6. what's your fav food
  7. if you like deku why?
  8. if you like Shoto why?
  9. do you like bakugo, why?
  10. do you not like those big three? why

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Quiz topic: Which mha boy is my bf
