Which Maze Runner Character Are You?

In this quiz, you will be finding out which maze runner character you are most like. Are you hot-headed and lofty like Gally, or sassy and curious like Thomas? Complete this quiz to figure out!

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Created by: TheMazeLover of MazeLoverStuff
(your link here more info)
  1. You peer at the box and find yourself in the middle of the Glade. Your first reaction is:
  2. Which role would you prefer having in the Glade?
  3. If a friend of yours were about to be trapped in the maze for an entire night, you would:
  4. How would you deal with a griever?
  5. Which of the following best describes your personality?
  6. What would you do after getting out of the maze?
  7. Which movie was your favorite?
  8. What do you think about WCKD?
  9. What do you call Thomas?
  10. What is your favorite Maze Runner quote?

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Quiz topic: Which Maze Runner Character am I?
