What Maze Runner Character Are You?

OK, before you start the quiz, if you haven't read Maze Runner YOU HAVE TO READ IT! It is about a boy named Thomas and his friends Chuck, Newt, Teresa, and Mihno and their attempts to solve the Maze and find their families.

So I bet you are wondering, what character you are most like? Are you exactly like Thomas or Teresa? Possibly Chuck? Are you a leader or a follower? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Rosebud_pizzo
  1. You are stuck in the Maze overnight, YIKES! You...
  2. A dagger is thrown right at your friend. You...
  3. You just got out of the Box and stepped into the Glade. You...
  4. You are hiding from the Grievers in a small "building" when one breaks through the window. You...
  5. Thomas and the Gladers are ready to fight their way out of the Maze through the Griever Hole. You...
  6. If you saw the Creators, you would...
  7. Ok, done with the role play. In your group of friends, you are...
  8. When it comes to physical appearance you are... (If none of these apply to you pick the closest one!)
  9. Your eye and hair colors are...
  10. Which Maze Runner character is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: What Maze Runner Character am I?