Which Mario Bro are you? (for boys only)

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Have you ever wondered which Mario brother you're most similar to? Find out now! Have fun! Bye! :) Ahem, I said bye. Leave! TAKE THE QUIZ! GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!

There is no point in reading this paragraph. It will not benefit anyone. Stop reading and take the quiz or just leave and touch grass. No one likes you.

Created by: QuizMaster814
  1. Would you explore a mansion that is rumored to be haunted?
  2. Do you like spaghetti?
  3. How high can you jump?
  4. In a situation where your girlfriend got kidnapped, what would you do?
  5. Are you an older brother, younger brother, or only child?
  6. Do you like parties?
  7. Are you gay?
  8. Question
  9. Question
  10. Question

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Quiz topic: Which Mario Bro am I? (for boys only)
