Which Marauders/Slytherin Skittle are you?

Figure out which marauders era character you are! Skittles and Marauders are featured here! I hope you enjoy my quiz and learn something about yourself!

This is mostly based off of head cannons so if you don’t agree it’s not my problem! If you want to go ahead and make your own! I don’t care! Not my problem!

Created by: Molly
  1. What house are you in?
  2. Do you like shorter versions or your name? Or nicknames? Or your normal name better?
  3. Favorite colour?
  4. Sexuality
  5. Gender?
  6. Best describes you?
  7. Who do you think you are?
  8. Describes your S/O
  9. Describe your best friend
  10. Ugly, cute, attractive or hot? What are you?

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Quiz topic: Which Marauders/Slytherin Skittle am I?
