Which mandalorian are you?

Have you ever wondered which mandalorian your were? well now is the time to find out! with this simple quiz I made, you will get your mandalorian match!

Just answer these simple questions, and you will find out your mandalorian match based on your personality, so answer these questions truthfully! I hope you like the quiz!

Created by: Din Djarin
  1. Favorite color?
  2. what would the people who know you well say about you?
  3. Oh! Are you male, or female?
  4. Are you bossy?
  5. How loyal are you to mandalore?
  6. what's your weapon of choice?
  7. Preferred home?
  8. Armor preferences?
  9. favorite show?
  10. And Finally, what is the way?

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Quiz topic: Which mandalorian am I?
