Which Clone Wars baby are you??

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Hola and welcome to the best quiz in the galaxy!! Find out which of the Clone Wars babies you are with this all new amazing quiz, creating by Rosie herself. Including some of the most iconic people in human history, this quiz allows you to relate to your heroes further and it tells you which one you're most like.

Anyways, it's telling me to fill space here but I have nothing else to say, apart from have fun my dudes, and good luck!! "No no NOOOOO!! Not the senate, the outer rim you stupid machine!!"

Created by: Rosie
  1. A friend gets out a camera and starts filming you, how do you react??
  2. It's the weekend, how are you spending it??
  3. What sounds like a good holiday plan to you??
  4. How would you describe your romantic type??
  5. How academic are you??
  6. Pick out an outfit:
  7. How would you comfort a friend going through a hard time??
  8. How would your friends describe you??
  9. You're asked to do a comic con talk in front of a large crowd, how does that make you feel??
  10. Lastly, what's your favourite past time??

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Quiz topic: Which Clone Wars baby am I??
