Which Clone Legion are you?

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This quiz determines which clone division you would be apart of. Clones are the troops of the republic, each with a division. This quiz shows you which clone diviosion you would be apart of.

Each clone division does something different. Including, tanks, speeders, and a ton of other stuff. Some divisions have different branches, which are not included. You can learn more about them at [no urls] Enjoy! And may the force be with you!

Created by: Benson
  1. How do you take out an enemy?
  2. What is your battle style?
  3. What is your weapon choice?
  4. Which people do you work best with?
  5. Would you do whatever your superior told you?
  6. You are at gunpoint and the Separatists are demanding info. Do you give it to them?
  7. What battlefield is the most comfortable for you?
  8. How are you going to die?
  9. Choose a color
  10. Choose a force user

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Quiz topic: Which Clone Legion am I?
