Which (Male) Eclectic Feminist Are You?

I can only add a limited number of options so please don't be mad at me because you're not on here or someone you like isn't on here also I don't know

everyone in the server that well so it's difficult to make results based on people I'm not too familair with but I can make another quiz sometime maybe.

Created by: Io
  1. Pick an Ivy League school.
  2. Pick an epithet
  3. Pick a season
  4. Who is your favourite female eclectic feminist?
  5. Pick a person from my dating history.
  6. What is your desired level of education?
  7. A new feminist has joined the server. She seems naive. A guy has selected her as prey and is brutally trolling her. Do you...
  8. Palestine
  9. Pick a drink
  10. You work in a book-store. A customer requests a manga containing CSAM (CP). It's not unusual to stock books which customers request. It wouldn't be illegal to distribute this material in your country either. Do you...

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Quiz topic: Which (Male) Eclectic Feminist am I?
