Are you a Feminist?

Feminism is a very talked about topic for many, but do people really know what they are talking about when it comes to equality for both men and women?

Do you know you feminism facts? There is more than meets the eye. In this quiz you will learn about some not-so-know facts about feminism brought on by the questions of East High students.

Created by: Kari Wilson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Did you know that more Democrats identify as feminists than Republicans? Do you believe men and women are equal?
  2. Did you know that many women hold lower job positions not because of equality issues? Do you believe in equal pay for men and women for the same job?
  3. Did you know according to the latest survey of employees, 77 percent of workers report having some ability to take unpaid leave? Do you support paid maternity leave for men and women?
  4. Did you know that 57% of women are active in the workforce and 70% of those women are mothers? What do you think a women's role should be?
  5. Did you know in 1972 Congress passes a law called Title IX that prohibits gender discrimination of those who participate in any educational programs? Do you believe that it's okay for boys and girls to play the same sports?
  6. Did you know in 1993 63% of adults agreed that society favors men and today it is down to 45%. Do you believe that men and women are treated equal today?
  7. Did you know that women have increased having a women president by 15% from 2006? How do you feel about a women for president?
  8. Did you know that Jamaica, Columbia, and Saint Lucia are ranked highest in having more female bosses than male? How do you feel about having a women as a boss?
  9. Did you know that the military had already lifted a ban on women in combat, noting that women in Iraq and Afghanistan were often on the front lines even when not formally assigned to combat positions? Do you believe that women are just as capable as men in all areas of life?
  10. Did you know that 80% of 1.2 million kids being traff---ed into slavery, are girls? Do you believe that feminism is an important subject that people should know more about?
  11. Did you know that since 1923 activist have been trying to pass the Equal Rights Amendment that provides equality under the law that can't be denied by any state on the account of gender? Do you believe that men and women should have equal rights?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Feminist?