Which Majora's Mask character are you!

Do you love Zelda? Do you? Huh? HUH? ok, ok, I'm kidding. Hello! I am your host nerd today. You may call me either Marigold or Pinkle. Make sure to say in the comments what you prefer to call me!

Are you a nerd just like me? Do you like MM like me? Well, if you do, you can find out which character from the game you are! If you don't then, obviously don't take the quiz.

Created by: Noelle Rose

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if a Chu Chu attacked you?
  2. How do you react to a Great Fairy?
  3. How do you react to BEN?
  4. What if you bff was tied up?
  5. Which phrase below most appeals to you?
  6. You see a little kitten.You say:
  7. Pick one:
  8. Pick one:
  9. Pick one:
  10. What is your preferred weapon?
  11. Rate?

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Quiz topic: Which Majora's Mask character am I!