Which main character of Swawdizian mythology are you?

Pastafarianism Swawdizism is often explained as the religion that will bring the world into swawdizist glory by destroying anti swawdizist evil. filler filler

This test will show you which swawdizist mythology character you are; Swawdiz, Follower of Swawdiz, Capy Maps or Quincy. Filler filler filler filler filler

Created by: Kosovar4ever
  1. Who would you reproduce with?
  2. What's your objective in life?
  3. What's your sexual orientation?
  4. Are you strong?
  5. If you had to choose one animal, what would it be?
  6. What's your ideology?
  7. Favorite human in the world?
  8. Are you banned?
  9. Do you like Hajime no Ippo?
  10. When were you born?

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Quiz topic: Which main character of Swawdizian mythology am I?
